Sunday, March 18, 2012

Springtime is here...early!

Today marked Patrick's and my anniversary.  I can't believe it's been 6 years of marriage.  It seems to have flown by and our lives are so different now than they were 6 years ago.  They have been the most amazingly life changing 6 years of my life and I'm excited for what the next 6 years has in store for us!  We celebrated our anniversary with dinner out at Bar LaGrassa last night and had a steak dinner tonight followed by our first Blizzard of the season.  Overall, a very nice way to celebrate!
The first time Emily played with her dangling carseat toys

Last week I had spring break.  Emily went to daycare 2 of the days because I had my gall bladder out.  Apparently in a small amount of pregnancies women can develop gall stones and I was one of the lucky few!  The surgery went well and I'm relieved that I will not have to experience any more gall bladder attacks.
Emily in her first summer outfit

During the time Emily and I had over spring break we went shopping, to the zoo and to visit family.  We had a great time and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL spring weather we had.  The temps were in the 70s and sunny all week!!
Another sleepy zoo day

Just in time for bear play time

Saturday was St. Patrick's day and we visited Emily's friend Abby, and our friends Stefanie and Josh.  We had a great time and it was fun to see Abby scooting around trying to get her toys.  I'm excited for Emily to do some scooting of her own!

Tired out after all of the activities

St. Patty's day with Abby

Our spring flowers that we normally don't see until May have also started blooming. We have tulips, lillies and hostas appearing and growing quickly!  It's nice to see that sign of spring so early in the year.

That's it for now, but as always...
More to come!
The Harrisons

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Snap back to reality...

This past week was back to work for me, which was a bit of a slap in the face.  It's going fine, but I am looking forward to spring break next week.  Yikes!  Don't know how I'll do it after break : )  Emily began attending "school" as well!

Emily's first week in her new routine was successful as far as we can tell.  The staff seems to like her a lot and she was one tired girl last week!  I was kind of nice to get 2 or 3 nights of uninterrupted sleep.  Friday night/Saturday morning brought a flu virus to the Harrison household, however.  We're very lucky to have our families close by and were even luckier to have Grandma B spend the day with Emily so that we didn't pass along the sickness to her.  Emily had a great time playing with toys and watching TV Land with Grandma B : )  Thankfully, it appeared to be a 24 hour bug because Patrick and I are feeling back to normal today.  Unfortunately, we missed Grandma Val's birthday party but heard that she had lots of fun anyway!

Thanks Grandma B!
Emily's second week of daycare was equally successful and the staff seems to really like her!  She received her first birthday treat this week as well.  It was one of the older babies birthdays and she brought in goldfish crackers for a treat to share with everyone.  Emily's bag of crackers was enjoyed by myself and Patrick : )

I'm 3 months old!!
Since I last wrote, Emily has turned 3 months old and is continuing to amaze us every day.  Her 2 bottom teeth can be seen right below her gums so we're thinking that it's only a short matter of time until we see those pearly whites!  Emily also got to open 2 gifts that we received a while ago but we thought she was too young until now to really appreciate.  She is now very entertained and interested in both toys.  Lastly, Emily joins us at the dinner table every night as part of our evening routine that we're establishing.  She seems to enjoy being with mommy and daddy and sitting in her high chair like a big girl!

New toy #1: "Butterfly spinner"

New toy #2: Owl

Patrick, Pat and I also got to go to a place called the Wildlife Science Center (thanks for the recommendation Val!).  It was a really cool place that's a sanctuary for wolves, foxes, mountain lions, lynxes, bears, falcons and more!  It costs $6 for the hour and a half tour and worth it!  I highly recommend it to anyone who's in the Ham Lake area! While we were there, Grandma B got to babysit Emily : )
Emily with Grandma B
Emily enjoying Grandma B's house : )

So you fancy huh?

Tough guy

A red fox
That's it for now.  I am on spring break this week so we're looking forward to lots of fun activities in the great weather that's forcasted!

More to come!
The Harrisons

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling down the river!

Alright, so Emily is not rolling down the river but she has seemed to figure out how she can roll from her tummy to her back.  This morning she rolled over 5 times in a row before she got tired of it!  Below is a video of one of her rolls.  Enjoy!

More to come!
The Harrisons