Sunday, May 19, 2013

New tricks

Emily can now show you her muscles.  She has to work on closing her fists but she sure does like to show off her guns!! (Excuse the big hair : )  )

She has also started saying her name.  You have to listen closely, she says it very softly maybe because she's not sure of it, but it's a beginning!

Happy Sunday!
The Harrisons

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Outdoor fun!

I think it's finally safe to say...winter is over and spring is officially here!  We have been taking advantage of the nice weather and going outside a lot.  While Patrick was residing the garage this weekend, Emily and I had our own Saturday adventures!

We began with creating murals on the back patio

We also went for a walk and picked some flowers on the way.  (Emily really wanted to pick the prettier ones, but we stuck to the ones that the neighbors won't miss!)  She is running to give this one to me : )

Hope you enjoyed your Saturday too!
The Harrisons