Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer break v. 2016

Summer break has officially started in the Harrison house and it's started off with a bang! I am with both of the girls two days a week and with each of them on their own two days a week. Emily and I have had two days, just the two of us. We have done a lot in those two days: gymnastics, a play, Crayola Experience and two lunch dates. One of the lunch dates was at Crave at the Mall of America and we were even treated to dessert on the chef!

I have had one day with both of the girls and we took a trip to the MN Zoo and attended our first swimming lessons! It was Aubrey's first lesson and she did great. It was also a first for Emily because she is in her first lessons without mom or dad. She is really growing up!

Aubrey's nap schedule is still a little inhibiting but on her day with me, we did a little shopping and took some time to play.

I am looking forward to the rest of the summer with my girls!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Recital Time

Emily's first dance recital was last weekend and she nailed much as any of the girls in her class nailed it :) The recital was really good! Emily's class was the youngest group and it was fun watching them looking back and forth at one another to verify that they were doing the right moves. The group was a hit but most importantly, Emily had a blast and was so proud of herself when it was all said and done. We weren't sure if we were going to do dance again next year but I think the recital sealed the deal - we'll be back!

Emily's teacher: Ms. Amy

Friday, June 10, 2016


We have been enjoying outings around town lately: Paddleboating, Grand Ole Days, Japanese Garden, Library and bike rides. I am looking forward to more of these outings as the summer continues!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Everyday moments

These girls make my heart melt and I am so lucky to be their mother and witness their relationship with each other, Patrick and myself grow stronger every day.