Thursday, April 30, 2020

April wrap up

We have spent the last week or two of April enjoying the nice weather. We’ve been outside as much as we can and they even convince Patrick that we should replace our deck boards. There were a number of boards that need to be replaced so we are swapping out all of them for composite boards. Unfortunately, when we took the old boards off we found that one of the main support beams or the deck needs to be replaced. So our deck replacement is on hold while we wait to get the supports replaced by professionals. The finished product will be revealed in a blog to come!

April Fools!
Our sidewalk art!

At work with dad...

My homemade no sew mask

This one is for Patrick, I actually like a good
oatmeal raisin cookie!

Super sweet friends bring the girls May Day baskets!

Aubrey's trying to keep us fit with her at home workouts and stretches! Follow along if you'd like :)

And my friend had her last chemo treatment (for now) and is kicking cancer's ass! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quarantine week 5

We just wrapped up week 5 of the quarantine. This was a hard week for me because we had a spring snowfall and much lower temperatures that kept us inside more than usual. We made it through though and had some nice weather over the weekend to help with the cabin fever. We’re entering week 6 and are healthy and safe while anxiously awaiting a return to our routine!

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Here we are, still under stay at home orders on Easter weekend. Saturday was gorgeous out so we made good use of outdoor time because a spring snow dump was predicted to hit us on Easter Sunday. And the meteorologists were right! It came fast, furious, and lasted all day. In the end we got 5-6 inches of new snow. Luckily it’s April so it didn’t stick around for more than a couple of days.

Patrick was determined to recreate his family’s Easter brunch and he delivered. We had ham, deviled eggs, cheesy potatoes, jello “salad”, and crescent rolls. It was delicious! The Easter bunny also dropped off some eggs in the back yard and baskets full of goodies. We enjoyed a family trivia game and wrapped up the evening watching Despicable Me.

Even without being with our extended family we made the best of the day and I think the girls enjoyed our Easter at home.

Stay safe and healthy!