Sunday, October 2, 2011

First blog!!

I have decided to start blogging to document this exciting time in our lives.  Patrick and I, along with the dogs, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first baby girl.  We only have a couple of months to go and with every passing day it gets more real and becomes a little more scary.  But we're ready!

Without going in to too much detail, Patrick and I didn't have the easiest time getting pregnant.  We tried for a few years and finally turned to the world of science and fertility treatments to get us here.  Because of this, we know that our baby was conceived on the date of our fifth anniversary and she is due on December 9.  What better Christmas miracle could we ask for?

The pregnancy has been very uneventful and easy so far.  I didn't suffer from any morning sickness and all of the routine visits look good.  She is growing as expected.  One visit showed that I may have gestational diabetes, but the follow up gave me a clean bill of health!  So with that hurdle behind us, we're into week 31.

The baby's room is also coming together as the chair we ordered came in and looks great.  At this point I must thank IKEA for their very affordable furniture options.  The baby will have a room mostly furnished by those wonderful Swedish furniture designers : ).  I have included a couple of photos, although the room is not finished yet.  There are still wall decorations that need to go up and one more piece of furniture that is coming, but you'll get the general idea.

The purpose of this blog is to journal the journey that pregnancy and parenthood brings.  I am excited for the next couple of months that Patrick and I will have as a family of 2 with our dogs but am looking forward to what this new little person will bring into our lives.

Outside of our journey starting a family, our summer has been very busy.  Last weekend we went to Grand View Lodge with Patrick's company.  (Thanks Reach!)  It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend.  Just what we needed at this point.  We enjoyed our time by spending the afternoon on a boat on Gull Lake and visiting the small town of Nisswa.  There is a quaint main street with lots of little shops to visit.  It was a wonderful time and a great way to close out September.

As summer ends our calendar is opening up and we're looking forward to spending time with friends and family before the baby arrives.

More to come!
The Harrisons

1 comment:

  1. First comment woo! :)

    Love the blog guys and can't wait to see more updates! More importantly, can't WAIT to meet my new niece in just a couple of months!
