Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emily's new toy of choice is...

her toes!  This week Emily has discovered her toes and thinks they're the coolest things!  They're fun to nibble on, grab, pull and stare quizzically at.  Who knew?  She has also started giggling when tickled.  It's like she's a real person!  : )

Emily also got to meet new baby Charlie this week.  He is only a few weeks old and is a completely cute little peanut.  Congratulations Jody and Jeff!

We also found out that Emily likes riding Sammy and that she is pretty good at sitting.  The pictures below are of her first time sitting alone, if only for 20-30 seconds : )

Thanks for visiting Hetland girls!
Last weekend my sister was in town.  It was great to see her and get some time to hang out.  We got to go to a barbecue at uncle Greg's house who we also haven't seen in a while.
The Grillmaster!
Taking a nap with Grandma B!
Love auntie Karen!

Emily also seems to like watching bubbles!

Patrick and I also got the chance to celebrate our friend, Matt's, birthday last weekend thanks to the great babysitting duo...uncle P and auntie Karen.  We enjoyed bowling at the Medina ballroom followed by cake and appetizers.  It was nice to have a night out!

This weekend was pretty calm.  Patrick and I finally saw The Hunger Games.  Neither one of us has read the book in over a year, so that may have made it easier to forget some of the details, but we both agreed that they did a good job with the movie and liked it a lot! Today we took our chances with the weather and went for our first walk with Emily in the stroller sans carseat.  We knew Emily liked it because she fell asleep as usual : )
First time enjoying just laying in the grass

All buckled in and ready to go

Asleep about 3 blocks into the walk!
Tonight after Emily's bath we finally decided it was give our little girl a bit of a hair cut.  She was born with lots of hair just like her daddy but as time has gone by it has thinned out a little.  Not so in the back at the very bottom however!  Along the nape of Emily's neck was a patch of long, wispy hair that could be tucked in to her shirts and, when wet, went down to her back.  Underneath that hair is some new, shorter hair.  So tonight we got out the scissors and cut off the longer hair to make it more in line with the newer hair.  We saved the hair and took some pictures.  We handled this cut pretty well, but I am no stylist so don't worry, she will go to a trained professional when there's more to do : )

Lastly, tonight Emily started giggling pretty good when she was sitting in her high chair.  I was giving her toes some big kisses which she thought was quite funny.  Take a listen below, that little laugh is pretty cute!  As with most things, we started taping just a bit too late and only got a little of the laughing, but we'll continue trying to capture it!

This week should be pretty calm, which is just what we need because Patrick is going to Spain next weekend with the company he works for.  I will get to try my hand out as a "single mom" which I'm a little nervous about, but I'm sure it'll all work out just fine. 

As always,
More to come,
The Harrisons


  1. Totally wonderful updates, Harrisons (and Mulforts!). Thanks as always for sharing.

  2. Cutest little thing ever! Love the picture of her and Sammy. He looks so content like it's no big thing!

  3. I can't BELIEVE you cut off her party in the back!!! Jeez, Emily and I were planning to go to the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, and now we totally won't fit in ;)

    Had such a fun time hanging out with you guys last weekend, can't wait to see you in May!
