Saturday, September 20, 2014

And then there were four

Patrick and I are excited to announce that we're expecting baby 2 in April 2015!! We're looking forward to finding out how Emily deals with sharing her things and the spotlight! I am also looking forward to only working until the end of March :)

We also recently ditched the diapers and have a reliably potty trained preschooler on our hands so we will have about 6 months before we need to start changing them again. Glad we won't have to be changing diapers on two butts!!


  1. Ellen, Patrick amd Emily, Congratulations! What exciting news! So happy for your family:).

  2. Wonderful news!! Congratz to you all and good job Em on the potty training!! <3

  3. Yey!!! We're so excited for another little niece or nephew!

  4. Could not be any happier for your family! Many congratulations and looking forward to meeting the new Harrison! I'll bet Emily will be the best big sister ever!!! Well, at least since MY big sister!
