Wednesday, April 8, 2015

And then there were four

I had a doctor appt on Monday, April 6, it was our 40 week appt. Things were looking about the same...2 cm dilated. Not too promising considering that I hadn't experienced any real contractions yet and I stayed at 2 cm for five weeks with Emily. I called Patrick to tell him that there wasn't any news and picked up Em from preschool.

That night at dinner, around 5-5:30 contractions started. We timed them while we packed a bag and got Emily ready for bed and the next day at preschool. My mom came over to stay with Emily and we were off to the hospital. When we arrived around 9 pm it was confirmed that yes, the contractions were regular but it appeared they were not effective in moving the baby down. So they had us walk the hospital for an hour in hopes that gravity would help us out. They checked again and sent us on another hour walk. The doctor had arrived and checked again and sent us on one more hour long walk. This time was different. On our last one hour walk, the intensity of the contractions was stopping me in my tracks and our pace has dramatically slowed. When we returned from this last walk it was about 1-1:30 am. We were tired and about ready to admit defeat when we were admitted because progress had been made!

Walking the hospital :/
The rest is history. I worked through the contractions until about 4 am when I received an epidural. That allowed Patrick and myself to get a couple of hours of sleep. But around 6 am, I awoke to the urge to push. The nurse checked and told me that we were 8-9 cm dilated and she would check back around 8 am. About 10 seconds after she left the room I told Patrick to get her because I knew it was time and baby wasn't going to wait any longer. She came back and confirmed that I was 10 cm, called my doctor and told me to wait to push - ha! The doc arrived at about 7 am and baby Aubrey Elizabeth was born at 7:17 am on April 7, 2015. It was good that she came quickly because she was 9 lbs, 14 oz!

We were lucky enough to have family visit us and Aubrey in the hospital and Emily was able to meet her new sister as well!

All of us!

My family :)
Auntie Tracey

Nana Michelle
Grandpa Bruce
A company called First Day Photo also came by to take a few pictures for us. You can see the photos by clicking here.

Aubrey has been able to meet even more family since we've been home and we are looking forward to meeting everyone else soon!

Uncle Pat
Uncle Johnnie and Auntie Kim
Auntie Katie
Auntie Laura

** Friends Stefanie, Josh, Abby, Evelyn, Jeremy, Matt, Lucy, Justin, Jody, Jeff, Max, Charlie and Frances have also stopped by to meet baby Aubrey but we neglected to get any pictures :(

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Aubrey! We absolutely cannot wait to meet you!!
