Saturday, November 26, 2011

Less than 2 weeks!!

We are officially counting down as our due date is less than 2 weeks away!  We had our 38 week appointment last week and looks like we're making progress because now we are now at 2 cm.  Any little bit helps!!  After our appointment on Wednesday, we were sent to the hospital and told to "bring our bag" as this may be it.  When the nurse told me that, I began to panic.  I have not packed a bag and was rushing around trying to remember what I wanted in the bag.  Luckily, it was a false alarm and we were sent home after a few hours of observation.  By the end of the weekend, I will have a list of necessary bag items for the big day!  The false alarm also freaked me out a little.  Patrick seemed totally calm, but I was repeating that we aren't ready and couldn't understand how this may be happening.  I mean, we still have 2 weeks!  For those of you who I have been saying "we're ready" to, apparently that's not how I really feel : )
Me at 38 weeks
Because of Wednesday night's false alarm, I did not do the Turkey Trot this year.  It was different and a little weird to miss it since that has been a tradition for so many years now, but I must say that it was nice to sleep in and leisurely look through ads before starting the chaos that is Thanksgiving.  We begin our Thanksgiving with the Harrisons.  The food was as delicious as always!  We then stop home, give the dogs some food and a chance to go outside and then head up to my family's house for round 2!  Again, the food was great!  By the end of the day Patrick and I make our way home and our limp, completely full selves fall to the couch, promising to eat less at each meal next year (although we seem to forget that when next Thanksgiving rolls around!).
Patrick's grandparents

Patrick and his mom

Patrick's first plate of the day

My first plate of the day

Us with the Mulfort guys!

On Friday we decorated the house with our Christmas decorations.  It doesn't take us very long because all we have is a very small tree and our stockings to put up.  I love it when the house is decorated for Christmas.  For some reason, the lights on the tree and the stockings on the mantle make me smile.
The tree!

The Mantle

A new stocking this year for baby!!

I am hoping that baby will hold on until next weekend.  Friday is the end of the first trimester of school and I would love to wrap it up and get grades entered before I make my exit.  I am comforted in the fact that I have a long term sub lined up that comes highly recommended from a well respected colleague though.  We're looking forward to this new phase of life with excited anticipation!

More to come!
The Harrisons

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Finally Full Term!

We are finally considered full term and I say bring on the baby!!

Our pregnancy has been easy and I really have nothing to complain about, but I am still ready to be done with the pregnancy part and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the little baby.  We have the carseat installed since last week, but that's the only work we've done besides washing some clothes teeny, tiny little baby clothes : )  We had an appointment last week and it seems as though things are moving in the right direction.  I am dilated at 1 cm (1/10 of the way there, woot!) and head is down.  Basically, baby is in ready position. 

Last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving with some friends.  The food was absolutely delicious, Patrick outdid himself this time.  I even ate - and thoroughly enjoyed - his sweet potato recipe.  I am normally not a fan of sweet potatoes, but these were amazing!  They were mashed, baked and top with plenty of mini marshmallows...yum!!  Below are some pictures of out first Thanksgiving meal.

The Group!

The Spread

The bird

Matt and Tricia

Lucy and Justin

Justin and Jeremy

Jeremy and I

Carving the bird!!

Yummy homemade french silk pie

Fancy rolls!

I am looking forward to 2 more Thanksgiving meals this week.  I think I will even do the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning in attempt to convince baby to join us!

More to come!
The Harrisons

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One month...

Today marks the one month countdown.  One month from today, December 9, is our due date!  The first half of the pregnancy seemed to creep by and this second half has seemed to fly!  We still have so much to do.  We have to install the car seat, begin the search for a pediatrician and start searching for childcare just to name a few.

Today we had our 36 week appointment and things are still looking about the same.  The doctor would prefer if I stayed on bed rest for another week, but I was able to talk them in to letting me go back to work next week!  Whereas I am happy to go back to work, I feel like relaxing at home has helped to keep baby where she's at and am a little nervous about going back.  I feel like if I'm running around all day, it may spark the labor process and I don't feel ready yet!  Only time will tell though...

This week marked Maggie's 5th birthday, or at least the day we've decided is her birthday.  Both Maggie and Sammy were shelter/rescue dogs so their birthdays are probably not their actual birthday, but everyone (and every dog!) deserves a special day : )  Every birthday is celebrated with a special birthday dinner: wet dog food instead of their usual dry food!  Happy birthday Maggie!
The birthday girl!
 On Sunday I had my second baby shower as well.  My friend Stefanie hosted a group of friends of mine at her house.  It was so great to be able to see so many caring friends at one time, especially since I haven't seen many of them lately due to bed rest.  Again, I received so many cute and thoughtful gifts!  Stefanie did a great job with the food, decor and games.  I was a little thrown off by the candy bar in the diaper game...I have never played it, only heard about it and it was everything that I could have imagined!

This weekend Patrick and I are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for a small group of close friends.  This is the third, or fourth (??) year of our tradition and I am really looking forward to it!  I am excited for our first round of delicious food!!

Here's hoping for at least another couple of weeks before baby joins us!

More to come!
The Harrisons

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Unexpected changes

As I looked back at the last 2 blog posts, I noticed that they were both about how busy we have been lately.  Apparently the baby wants to join in on the fun!  Last week I had our 34 week appointment and everything was great.  Then, the next day, I noticed some changes and new sensations.  I called the doctor, but they didn't seem too concerned and just told me to go home and take it east that night.  The next day, however, I was still feeling like things weren't quite right.  So on Friday afternoon, I went to the doctor and found that the baby appears to be in a rush to join us!  They sent us to the hospital to be monitored and everything looks good, she is just on her own schedule apparently.  (Is this a sign of what's to come??)

I was sent home from the hospital with orders of taking it easy, laying around with my feet up for the weekend and no work this week.  That meant that I was not able to attend any of the Halloween parties which I was bummed out about, but I was feeling great  - probably because I got some rest!  On Monday I went back to the doctor and received the news that all still looks good, however I do need to stay home and take it easy for 2 weeks until we're considered full term.  At that point, I will go back to work and baby will arrive whenever she's ready!  So now that I know it's not bed rest indefinitely, I hope to be able to enjoy my quiet time before our lives are completely turned around!

Even though I was supposed to be taking it easy this weekend, I was still able to participate in some low key events.  On Friday night my sister came in town for my shower that she organized and hosted.  So on Saturday morning my mom, sister and one brother came over for breakfast - as our breakfast out plans had changed.  It was a lovely time getting to visit with them since we thought it may be hard to really talk at the shower.  Then in the afternoon, friends Stefanie and Josh came over with their baby, Abby.  She is almost 4 months and WOW how she has changed.  She is now making eye contact, giggling, and doing some babbling.  Her little personality is starting to show.  I am hopeful that our little one is as content and happy as Abby!  Sammy also enjoyed Abby's visit and they even had a conversation at one point.  It was amusing to see the barking/babbling conversation between the 2 of them!  Maggie, on the other hand, seemed a little nervous about the little baby.  I'm sure once she's around one on a daily basis she'll get more comfortable around babies!

On Sunday, my sister threw me my first baby shower.  I had a great time and it was so nice to see so many of my family members all at once.  It was a great shower.  My sister did an amazing job!  The decor was adorable, the food was great and the games were perfect!  I received so many adorable and thoughtful gifts!  I felt so overwhelmed by the show of love from my amazing family and the sadness that I don't see my sister as much as I would like.  The range of emotion, the news of baby possibly coming soon and the exhaustion I am feeling these days got the best of me.  I was an emotional wreck on Sunday night, good thing I have such an understanding and supportive husband.  I love you Patrick!!

Me with soon to be aunt Karen!

Soon to be grandma and me!

Grandma Barb and Aunt Karen

Grandma Val

Great Grandma Velda!

Aunts Katie and Laura


Best sister in the world and me!

Aunt Karen and me!

Soon to be...great grandma, grandma, mom and baby  : )

On a non-baby note, we had a great Halloween!  The dogs had new costumes and looked great!  We had lots of trick-or-treaters and had to close up shop at 7:30 so we could eat dinner.  I love that there are so many kids around the neighborhood on Halloween and I love the sounds of Halloween.  There's always so much laughing and happy noises!
A beautiful butterfly!

Sammy is the king of the foressssst (as said by the cowardly lion : ) )

My pumpkin

Patrick's pumpkin

The rest of the week doesn't hold much for me as I'm supposed to hang out at home and relax, but I am looking forward to my other shower next weekend with friends!

More to come!
The Harrisons