Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Exploring utensils!

Emily has been using baby spoons to help her eat for a while now.  By using, I mean experimenting.  She's still figuring out which end is the one to use and how to get food on the spoon but she's making progress!  Emily's getting pretty good at using the spoon to eat yogurt and applesauce though!

Lately she's become interested in forks.  And not some silly baby forks, real forks.  We're letting her explore and she's beginning to figure out how they work as well!  I can't believe how much she's growing up and so quickly!

Hope you are staying warm!
The Harrisons

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One year photos

Thanks to Lee Vang of Jubilee pictures for taking such lovely pictures to document Emily's transition from baby to toddler and from counting her age in months to years!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another holiday season in the books

This was probably definitely the best holiday season we've ever had!  We did the normal family activities but they were extra special with Emily there to join in this year.  She was around last year, but only 3 weeks old so she didn't do much.

On December 23rd we were able to spend some time with the O'Leary's.  Thanks to Bruce and Michelle for arranging such a nice gathering!

Our Christmas celebration continued at home on Christmas Eve morning.  Patrick, Emily and I opened our gifts to one another.  We all must have been very good last year because we all got lots of great gifts!

We headed over to grandma and grandpa Harrison's house later on Christmas Eve for dinner and gifts.  We always have a wonderful time celebrating with everyone and this year was no exception!

Christmas morning came and off to grandma and grandpa Mulforts we went!  We spent Christmas morning and early afternoon opening gifts, enjoying breakfast and lounging around.  Christmas morning is still as magical as it was when I was a kid.  I can't wait for Emily to get a little older and really enjoy the holidays.  She wasn't too into gift opening but this year but did love all the attention!

New Years eve came and thanks to Tracey we were able to go to our friend Tricia's house to celebrate without taking Em with.  I think everyone had a much more relaxing, fun evening that way.  Thanks Tracey!!

Cheers to a great 2012 and to an even better 2013!
The Harrisons