Monday, October 13, 2014


Another pink October has reminded us how lucky we are to have my mom with us. We love you mom/grandma!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Misc. Good Times

This week has been full of fun!  Last Sunday we took a trip to the pumpkin patch that had bouncy houses/slides, surrey rides, hayrides, and delicious hot cider.  We had fun with Emily's friend Greta and her family and look forward to carving our pumpkins soon!

Today while Emily was at gymnastics with Patrick, I went with my mom to the American Cancer Society's breast cancer walk.  It was a chilly start to the day with frost on the ground but the sun was shining and it turned out to be a beautiful walk around Lake Nokomis, especially with all of the trees changing color.  My mom has been cancer free for four years and we are grateful for that every day!

Emily has enjoyed drawing lately and is really into drawing pictures of people.  Put in a request and she just might create a portrait of you!  :)

In preschool news, Emily went on her first fieldtrip to an apple orchard and had a great time.  She even insisted we make an apple pie with her apples, which we did the next day.  (Twist my arm!)  We also received her school pictures and are amazed at her growth from last year.  Soon we'll have a 3 year old!

The bus ride to the orchard!

Last, Emily ran the toddler trot again this year as a part of the TC Family events on the marathon weekend.  It's a 50 yard run and last year she was a little hesitant because of the crowd.  This year she was in it to win it!  She ran fast the entire way, all the time saying "I winning, I winning!"  We were even so fast that Patrick couldn't get a shot of us in the race so we snapped a couple afterward of Emily with her medal.  Looking forward to next year's race already!

Admiring her medal

Tonight Patrick and I are having a date night while Emily gets to sleep over at grandma and grandpa Harrison's house!  We're trying a new pizza place for dinner and then plan on checking out Gone Girl.  We're all excited about our evening plans!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Congrats to Johnnie and Kim!

Patrick's brother Johnnie married his girlfriend Kim early in September.  The weather was perfect, the scenery was beautiful and they had the perfect little flower girl :)  Congrats guys!